Klarna’s rapid and high-profile growth made it vulnerable to criticism around the provision of credit to younger shoppers. Anticipating this exposure, we helped to de-risk the brand and to strengthen its mitigation strategy.

We built Klarna‘s reputation protection programme from the ground up, based on three philosophies: Openness, Opportunity and Originality. This encompassed initiatives from supporting budding retail entrepreneurs to championing the next generation of fashtech talent with a partnership with London College of Fashion.

We created Mindful Money, a standalone CSR microsite with independent information on managing money more sustainably.

Plus we helped Klarna educate the market and manage media scrutiny by creating clear and compelling messaging around its lending policies and T&Cs.

Mindful Money has become a key engagement channel for Klarna’s customers, as well as an important tool to demonstrate Klarna’s responsible lending credentials to a wider audience of media, industry stakeholders and consumer groups.